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Strawberry Glue 710 Special Pack


55,00  Preis:

Auf Lager

Quick overview:
T.H.Seeds™ introduces a Limited Edition 710 special pack of Strawberry Glue feminized!
7 seeds of Strawberry Glue and 1 seed of French Macaron for the price of 5.
Strawberry Glue by T.H.Seeds™ is an amazing sweet medicine with a real body effect while at the same time relaxing the mind. A healthy and sweet strawberry creamy taste coming from the Strawbanana Cream male and adding to it the potency and high resin producer mix from the Goji Glue. Strawberry Glue feminized 710 Limited packs only available while supplies last.
  • Genetik: Goji Glue x Strawbanana Cream
  • Höhe: 125cm - 130cm
  • Ertrag: 500 - 600 g/m2
  • Blütezeit: 8-9 Wochen
55,00 € Preis:
Kostenlose Hanfsamen
Kostenloser versand


Goji Glue x Strawbanana Cream
8-9 Wochen
T.H. Seeds Authentic Seeds

Authentische Samen

T.H. Seeds High Quality Seeds


T.H. Seeds Organic Seeds




Strawberry Glue by T.H.Seeds™ is an amazing sweet medicine with a real body effect while at the same time relaxing the mind. We started by making a selection from a gifted private stock of Strawbanana Cream from Karma Genetics. Once we found the most perfect male with all the characteristics we desired we chose to cross it with our Goji Glue from our master breeder. This gives you some amazing lineage-yielding a healthy and sweet strawberry creamy taste coming from the male and adding to it the potency and high resin producer mix from the Goji Glue mother. Strawberry Glue is an easy plant to grow and all the grow techniques can be used for this strain: scrog, sog, soil, hydro and coco.



Menge 8
Sex Feminisiert
Höhe 125cm - 130cm
Genetik Goji Glue x Strawbanana Cream
Ertrag 500 - 600 g/m2
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid Hybrid
Blütezeit 8-9 Wochen
Geschmack Sahnig, Süß, Erdbeere
Effekt Appetitanregend, Entspannend, Körper
Strawberry Glue 710 Special Pack


Strawberry glue at 68 days. What an awesome freebie seed from @t.h.seeds_amsterdam it’s been exactly a year since I popped this pheno and I finally feel like I’ve dialed her in. It definitely takes time to get to know strains. #thseeds #strawberryglue #cannabiscommunity #cleanmeds #firemeds #cannabis #mmj #mmjpatient #rhodehighland #cocogrow #seedtester #phenohunter


This beauty right here is the plant which pushed me into more serious attitude for growing . She is #StrawberryGlue from @t.h.seeds_amsterdam ,cross of @karmagenetics #strawbanana and @t.h.seeds_amsterdam #Gojiglue’s best pheno ,the result is mostly #strawberry #bubblegum taste with scents of #gorilla busting on the back! Really recommend that strain and I hope to see more collabs like this in future! #scrog#frost#notill


GROWDIARIES.COM 1 like = 1 happy Grower Strain: Strawberry Glue Breeder: @thseedsbank GD Grower: evilsurfer Source: GrowDiaries.com⠀⠀Indoor - Soilless - LST - LED(150W). - Week 6 73F - 75F - 12HRS -6.0pH - 50% - 3 gal -39 cm ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Feeding: #BIOCANNA BioBOOST 4 ml/l Bio Flores 2.5 ml/l #growdiaries #growdiary #growjournal #growreport #homegrow #cannabis #growerslove #growerslife #growyourown #growsharelearn #growersunite #weedsnob #weedgram #cannabisculture #cannabiscommunity #cannabissociety #cannabislover #weeddaily #weedsociety #weedgrower #weed420feed #weednation #weedplant #weed #trackyourgrow #mj


This beauty right here is the plant which pushed me into more serious attitude for growing . She is #StrawberryGlue from @t.h.seeds_amsterdam ,cross of @karmagenetics #strawbanana and @t.h.seeds_amsterdam #Gojiglue’s best pheno ,the result is mostly #strawberry #bubblegum taste with scents of #gorilla busting on the back! Really recommend that strain and I hope to see more collabs like this in future! #scrog#frost#notill


Day 49 of the 'Strawberry Glue' (pheno 2) by @t.h.seeds_amsterdam in the 'Moon tent... Bit of a dark horse here.. #newstrain #thseeds #strawberryglue #cannabiscommunity #cannabisphotography #ledgrown #ledgrow #ledhead #cobs #organic #sustainable #dank #frostfactory #livingsoil #terps #thc #cannabis #420 #weedstagram420 #phenohunt #growyourown #homegrown #trichomes #dudegrowshow #hightimes #lumixlife #tentgrown #macromob #chronikool #chronikoolgrows


Strawberry Glue de @t.h.seeds_amsterdam a dias del corte. Seguimiento con nutrientes @groteknutrients auspiciado por @medicina_verde_growshop.. #chile #autocultivo #indica #thseeds #seriousseeds #bubblegum #underdawgog #strawberryglue #velokelp #remonutrients #kingofsaigon #koshjuice #koshdelaselva #medicinaverdegrowshop #growshopvitacura #grotek


Próxima al corte, la resinosa Strawberry Glue de @t.h.seeds_amsterdam , Esta variedad Sativa al 60% proviene del cruce de Strawbanana Cream (Strawberry Banana x White OG V2.0) de Karma Genetics por un lado, y una hembra Goji Glue (Goji OG x Gorilla Glue) de alta producción de resina... Era de esperar unas flores así!


