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Stracciatella Do-Si-Dos x SBC


25,00  Preis:

Price From: 25,00 €

Auf Lager

Quick overview:
Stracciatella is a delicious cross between Do-Si-Dos X Strawbanana Cream with a taste of Vanilla Cream and Chocolate sprinkles
Stracciatella is the first pack to be released as 6+1 pack. You will get 6 seeds of Stracciatella and one free extra French Macaron seed, making 7 seeds in total.
  • Genetik: Do-Si-Dos X Strawbanana Cream
  • Höhe: 100cm - 150cm
  • Ertrag: 450 - 550 g/m2
  • Blütezeit: 9 Wochen


* Pflichtfelder

25,00 € Preis:

Price From: 25,00 €

Kostenlose Hanfsamen
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Do-Si-Dos X Strawbanana Cream
70%Sativa - 30%Indica
9 Wochen
T.H. Seeds Authentic Seeds

Authentische Samen

T.H. Seeds High Quality Seeds


T.H. Seeds Organic Seeds




Stracciatella™ by T.H.Seeds™ is a delicious cross between Do-Si-Dos and Strawbanana Cream with a taste of Vanilla Cream and Chocolate Sprinkles. We got the Do-Si-Dos cut straight from Cali and crossed it with our male Strawbanana Cream and selected the Stracciatella™ pheno which displayed the best characteristics of both parents. Stracciatella™ by T.H.Seeds™ is a true vigorous hybrid, a tall plant with lots of branches. Stracciatella™ is easy to grow in all conditions, starting off stocky in the veg stage but showing a big stretch (about a factor 2.5). It is colorful and frosty, producing medium sized, extremely dense buds oozing with trichomes. Stracciatella™ is easy to harvest and manicure with a high calyx-to-leaf ratio. Like Stracciatella ice cream, Stracciatella™ cannabis is creamy and sweet with a hint of chocolate, but this Stracciatella™ has zero calories! Even though Stracciatella™ is dominantly Sativa, the effects are very potent and relaxing, leaving you soft as butter and heavily buzzed enjoying a careless cheerfulness, a perfect relief for pain or anxiety.



Sex Feminisiert
Höhe 100cm - 150cm
Genetik Do-Si-Dos X Strawbanana Cream
Ertrag 450 - 550 g/m2
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid 70%Sativa - 30%Indica
Blütezeit 9 Wochen
Geschmack Chocolate Sprinkles, Sahnig
Effekt Entspannend, Euphorisierend, Fröhlich
 Stracciatella Do-Si-Dos x SBC

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