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Beasty by T.H.Seeds™


70,00  Preis:

Price From: 25,00 €

Auf Lager

Quick overview:
WATCH OUT! T.H.Seeds™ BEASTY is coming for you! BEASTY is coming to tear you apart and leave you in a heavy couch lock!! Beasty is part Gemelo (GMO and Gelatti Kushmints, both well-known for great production, dense buds, stong Kush gas and heavy resin glands) and part pure Afghan. Giving you a a perfect Christmas tree structure full of heavy flowers. T.H.Seeds™ BEASTY'S taste is intense kush, chem dog, cookies and garlic mushroom onions. Throw the pure afghan in the mix and that's an in your face punch that will send you straight to the couch.
  • Genetik: Gemelo x Pure Afghan
  • Höhe: 110cm - 160cm
  • Ertrag: 550g - 650g p.s.m.
  • Blütezeit: 9-10 Wochen


* Pflichtfelder

70,00 € Preis:

Price From: 25,00 €

Kostenlose Hanfsamen
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Gemelo x Pure Afghan
65% Sativa - 35% Indica
9-10 Wochen
T.H. Seeds Authentic Seeds

Authentische Samen

T.H. Seeds High Quality Seeds


T.H. Seeds Organic Seeds




WATCH OUT! T.H.Seeds™ BEASTY is coming for you!. BEASTY is coming to tear you apart and leave you in a heavy couch lock!! Beasty is part Gemelo (GMO and Gelatti Kushmints, both well-known for great production, dense buds, stong Kush gas and heavy resin glands) and part pure Afghan. Giving you a a perfect Christmas tree structure full of heavy flowers. T.H.Seeds™ BEASTY'S taste is intense kush, chem dog, cookies and garlic mushroom onions. Throw the pure afghan in the mix and that's an in your face punch that will sit you straight to the couch. BEASTY is tall, but not leafy with a perfect leaf to bud ratio and a lot of internodes with great spacing in between. BEASTY is super healthy, grows fast and tall with the lateral branches growing straight and she has a really hard stem and branches. She stretches quite a lot during the first 3 weeks of flowering and the best way to treat her is to top her once or twice and pinch the lateral branches until the end of the 3rd week of flowering. The effects are great for an end of the day smoke to fall asleep and to alleviate heavy pains. The BEASTY flowers are dense and very light green with various colors mixed in when temperatures get lower. Just drenched in resin. Great for hashmaking, with a 4-5 return on wash. Easy to trim. Best to let BEASTY dry at least 10-14 days as it is really dense and if you cure her another 10 days you get the most intense of aromas. WATCH OUT! T.H.Seeds™ BEASTY is coming for you!



Sex Feminisiert
Höhe 110cm - 160cm
Genetik Gemelo x Pure Afghan
Ertrag 550g - 650g p.s.m.
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid 65% Sativa - 35% Indica
Blütezeit 9-10 Wochen
Geschmack Chem dog mix
, Intense gas, Kekse, Petrol
Effekt Great for sleeping, Heavy couch lock
Beasty by T.H.Seeds™

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