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Mont Blanc by T.H.Seeds™


25,00  Prix:

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Quick overview:
Mont Blanc feminized by T.H.Seeds™ (French Cookies X Birthday Cake X Strawbanana Cream) is named after the snow covered Mont Blanc (White Mountain), the highest mountain of the Alps and Western Europe. Like the Mont Blanc mountain, Mont Blanc by T.H.Seeds™ is also covered with an eternal layer of white crystals.
  • Génétique: French Cookies x Birthday Cake x Strawbanana cream
  • Hauteur: 140cm - 180cm
  • Rendement:
  • Période de floraison: 9 Semaines
25,00 € Prix:
Graines de cannabis gratuites
Livraison gratuite


French Cookies x Birthday Cake x Strawbanana cream
60%Sativa - 40%Indica
9 Semaines
T.H. Seeds Graines Authentiques

Graines Authentiques

T.H. Seeds Graines de haute qualité

Graines de haute qualité

T.H. Seeds Graines Biologiques

Graines Biologiques

La description


Mont Blanc feminized by T.H.Seeds™ (French Cookies X Birthday Cake X Strawbanana Cream) is named after the snow covered Mont Blanc (White Mountain), the highest mountain of the Alps and Western Europe. Like the Mont Blanc mountain, Mont Blanc by T.H.Seeds™ is also covered with an eternal layer of white crystals. Mont Blanc is a cross of a selection of our limited edition regular French Cookies X Birthday Cake X Strawbanana Cream. The result is a tall, vigorous, resin covered plant with sturdy branches and a distinct smell. Mont Blanc is not very leafy and has perfectly spaced internodes to allow enough room for light to pass and the development of sizeable, dense buds. Mont Blanc by T.H.Seeds™ is easy to grow, likes to be topped and you can switch to 12/12 a bit earlier than normal to keep her a bit smaller. The Mont Blanc is not hard to trim and the buds are heavy, dense nugs, super sticky like the cookies and birthday cake parents and full of resin. Mont Blanc by T.H.Seeds™ is another hash makers dream, perfect for extracts, Ice-o-Lator and rosin. The taste of the Mont Blanc is like a very creamy vanilla dessert with a touch of butter and fruit cake. The Mont Blanc will send you straight to the top of the mountain where you will have a clear view of the world beneath you while experiencing a deep body and mental high. A burst of energy will make you want to ski or fly down the mountain while any pains you might be experiencing will slowly melt away.

Informations supplémentaires

Informations supplémentaires

Quantité 2
Sexe Féminisé
Taille de la plante 140cm - 180cm
Génétique French Cookies x Birthday Cake x Strawbanana cream
Indica/Sativa/Hybride 60%Sativa - 40%Indica
Temps de floraison 9 Semaines
Goût Butter, Cake, Crémeux, Fruit, Vanilla
Effets Energizing, Pain Relief, Édifiant
Mont Blanc by T.H.Seeds™

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