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Mehr Ansichten

CaliFunk by T.H.Seeds™


70,00  Preis:

Auf Lager

Quick overview:
T.H.Seeds™ introduces a Limited Edition 710 special pack of Califunk feminized!
7 seeds of Califunk and 1 seed of French Macaron for the price of 5.
California dreaming! T.H.Seeds™ brings the best of the Golden State straight to your door! We crossed some of the best Cali strains to create CaliFunk, an absolutely groovy new strain. Triangle Kush x Zkittlez x Gelato41 x Kushmints x Pure Afghani. CaliFunk is gassy, fruity, minty, creamy and really mellows you out with a strong body relaxation. Califunk feminized 710 Limited packs only available while supplies last.
  • Genetik: Cross: Triangle Kush x Zkittlez x Gelato41 x Kushmints x Pure Afghani
  • Höhe: 110cm - 140cm
  • Ertrag: 550g - 650g p.s.m.
  • Blütezeit: 8-9 Wochen
70,00 € Preis:
Kostenlose Hanfsamen
Kostenloser versand


Cross: Triangle Kush x Zkittlez x Gelato41 x Kushmints x Pure Afghani
40%Sativa - 60%Indica
8-9 Wochen
T.H. Seeds Authentic Seeds

Authentische Samen

T.H. Seeds High Quality Seeds


T.H. Seeds Organic Seeds




California dreaming! T.H.Seeds™ brings the best of the Golden State straight to your door! We crossed some of the best Cali strains to create CaliFunk, an absolutely groovy new strain. Triangle Kush x Zkittlez x Gelato41 x Kushmints x Pure Afghani CaliFunk is gassy, fruity, minty, creamy and really mellows you out with a strong body relaxation. Great night time strain. We selected the best mix of the greatest genetics for ultimate production, density, flavors and smell. You get the best of the Kush family with the Gelato41 and Zkittlez and we added to it the famous Kusmints to bring more density and frostiness. The Califunk structure is very much like a Christmas tree with a lot of side branches. Not too tall, just the perfect size for indoor growing but she can turn into a monster outdoors. Not too leafy with a nice flower to leaf ratio, great internode spacing, well balanced and homogenous overall look. You can leave her as a massive tree but better to top her at least once or twice. Most CaliFunk phenotypes bleed red when topped, showing high anthocyanins levels. CaliFunk also does great with Sea of Green and she can handle a lot of feeding. Califunk starts to smell pretty strong early on in the grow. The buds are dense and full of trichomes and color. T.H.Seeds™ Califunk taste and effect are amazing, gassy, fruity, minty and creamy, lifting you up in a cloud of divinity with the luxury of relaxing all your body for hours. Easy to trim and cure and perfect for all kinds of extraction. Dry for at least 12-15 days and cure for another 2 weeks to get the best results.The Califunk testers gave amazing results, we can almost call it some of the best test results we've ever had and that says a lot. Califunk bringing that Golden State fire!



Menge 8
Sex Feminisiert
Höhe 110cm - 140cm
Genetik Cross: Triangle Kush x Zkittlez x Gelato41 x Kushmints x Pure Afghani
Ertrag 550g - 650g p.s.m.
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid 40%Sativa - 60%Indica
Blütezeit 8-9 Wochen
Geschmack Benzin-artig, Eis, Fruchtig, Mint
Effekt Strong Body Relaxation, Very Mellow
CaliFunk by T.H.Seeds™

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